Review: Genelec Speaker Angle App

Remember THIS post? Well the guys at Genelec heard my cries and allowed me to keep my dollar for “Fart Apps.” Genelec realized that allowing me to eyeball my speakers and say, “Looks good enough for the girls I go with” wasn’t conducive to getting the best out of my monitors. So they made a very ingenious little app that allows you to better line up your angles to get that coveted Golden Triangle of you and your monitors. Now Genelec isn’t saying these ratios are the Gospel. As a matter of fact, usually it’s more of preference and room size considerations that are taken into account, but this app allows you an enhancement to that experience as well as allowing you to sleep sound at night knowing both speakers are at the same angle pointing at your head.
The App is very easy to use. Simply pick your type of speaker setup, align your speakers at zero axis (flush with a straight surface), pick the left or right speaker to zero out, turn the speakers to get an industry recommended 30˚, repeat with the other or others, and you’re all set.  The controls are very direct and minimal, making it easy for even the dumbest engineer. If you can work an iPhone or Android, you can definitely handle this App. I believe in you!
There’s nothing bad you can really say about it. It does its purpose masterfully and is extremely easy to use. If I wanted to get nit picky, I’d say make it a little more visually stimulating (like being able to add a picture of your studio or something), but that’s just me trying to find something wrong with it. It get’s Everything Recording’s idiot safe seal of approval! Good job guys! Plus it’s only a buck. Just get it already
For more info and to buy, click HERE.

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