Let me set the scene here:
You’ve spent a good deal of money building your studio. You wake up at 2am and have the insatiable urge to record a hippie drum circle. You wake up both of your room mates who have to be at work in a few hours (I don’t charge em rent so its cool. They knew what they were in for before they moved in) and you all gather up in the tracking room. Here’s the problem… whose gonna push record? Well my room mates certainly aren’t because they’re a little mad and very tired and if I go press record, I have to run back into the room which will impede on me getting in the zone. Up until now it would’ve been settled the good ole’ fashion way, punch dancing competition, but now there’s no need for that (unless you just feel the urge.)
A company called Neyrinck has developed a software for iPad that, when paired with Pro Tools, allows for most of the essential functions for transport, editing, and mixing. Neyrinck will be debuting V-Control and V-Control Pro at the AES San Francisco exhibition, at booth 1327. V-Control and V-Control Pro will need to have an iPad running iOS 3.2 or later and are compatible with Pro Tools 7.0 and later on both Mac OS X and Windows systems. The Pro Tools system will need two things, a WIFI access point and the free Ney-Fi utility available for download at neyrinck.com.
In summary this could possibly be one of the most used pieces of gear in my studio. I’ve been debating on what to buy to track drums when its just me in the studio. I already own the iPad because I’m a whore to apple products so I’ll let you know what I think of it as SOON as I’m able to buy this product. Well crap, this whole post has given me the itch to start a drum circle… JOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WAKE UP.
Keep checking back at Neyrinck for a press release on this genius product.