Site Related News: Screw You, I'm Having Fun

Wondering why its been quiet around the site? Well this alone should be justification. You see that look. That’s the look of “Yes I had a great time but there’s pain behind those eyes because I know I should be entertaining you ingrates with fart jokes and new studio equipment.”
Well sorry to pee in your pre-amp but this pasty gear monger does like his sun and gettin his tube on. Not all of us live in dimly lit rooms with the warming glow of  an Apple Display.
So I hope your Easter was filled with some form of fun and you found an Easter Egg full of whatever technical analog component your heart desires, but most likely if you are on this site, The Easter bunny probably crapped in your basket and you thought it was a malformed chocolate Peep and you ate it and puked on the girlfriend that everyone just met from a friend you barely know yourself. Speaking of which, maybe some day I’ll show you what happens when I eat a package of peeps and someone plays Lionel Ritchie.
I’ll be back sometime tomorrow once I’m recovered to give you some half hearted news post. Cuz you’re worth it.
Photo Credit: Lolly taking advantage of a weak moment.

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From the age of eight, using my cheap Yamaha PSR-500 keyboard's 4 track limited recorder, I became fascinated with tracking audio. This quickly was sent into overdrive when my dad bought an Alesis ADAT. The rest was history. Many years later and too much money spent, I decided to use this fascination to help others. Thus, Everything Recording was born.