Propellerhead ReCycle Updates to 2.2

Ahhhh nostalgia... This is actually one of the very first pieces of software that I learned how to slice up loops and make remixes...

Maschine Help: Bar Length

Ok guys, you're going to smack yourself right in the face when you see the solution to this one. Please place YouTube links to...

Universal Audio Apollo

I was just wondering the other day when Universal Audio was going to make their debut in the I/O world. Apparently they waited until...

IK Multimedia: iRig Pre / iKlip Studio

Great day for all of you who want greater portability. Finally, I can track vocals in the john AND have a stand to put...

Cascade Knuckle Head Pre-Sale

Remember this fellah? No not me... I've basically been sick since Christmas but I'm back now. I was talking about this stylish hunk of...

Power FX Grants FULL Access to Sound Library

I knew it was only a matter of time before the music industry would be taking advantage of cloud based services. This is something...

Celemony Melodyne Editor 2

In these times of over-corrected vocal nonsense, a true winner emerges from the pile of "quick fixes" (that make artists sound like constipated robots)...

Tone2 Filterbank 3.3

Here you go Windows users. You say I don't post enough stuff for you so here's a great addition to your synth plug-ins that...

Cascade Knuckle Head

Been looking for a new Ribbon to add to your "go to" collection? Of course you are. What we have here is the Cascade...