RME Babyface Now Shipping

Pardon me for not posting as much. I'm currently working on something big I'm going to try to feature on the site. I promise...

Universal Audio 4-710d Now Shipping

Hey you remember this post a while back? Well that bad boy is shipping now.  Just letting you know. what? I know this post isn't funny...

SSL Nucleus: Everything I Dreamed Of Since Seeing Nickelback's Cribs

SSL makes incredible pres. Just ask my buddy Chris Lord-Alge. If you don't think you know him, odds are you've heard his work. Google...

Bryan's Friday Gear Feast – Apogee One

To celebrate Avid releasing a Pro Tools that works with ANY control surface I'm going to feature a really versatile one. Also, I know...

Pro Tools 9 Is Here!!

Listen... you pulled me from eating at Taquiera Arnandas so I can be one of the first to put this up. You better feel...

IK Multimedia Release iKlip

Own an iPad? Well if you do go buy an iRig right now and thank me later. I just got mine and I'll tell...

Rupert Neve Designs – 4 Channel Portico 5024 Pre

I'm a pretty big Neve guy ever since I had the chance to record in NRG Studios in L.A. so naturally I was very...

Neyrinck V-Control iPad Controllers For Pro Tools

Let me set the scene here: You've spent a good deal of money building your studio. You wake up at 2am and have the insatiable...

Antares Mic Mod EFX

I kinda feel bad about posting this stuff because it really makes me sound like I assume you are all broke morons but I...

Acoustics 101

Ok folks, I'm back after spending a weekend out of town with family but the important part is I'm back and ready to go....